Auto-Height-Adjusting Iframe with JavaScript


Iframes (Inline Frames) are a handy HTML element used to embed external content within a web page. Often, you might encounter scenarios where you need an iframe to dynamically adjust its height to match its content's height. This can be particularly useful for displaying content from external sources or websites within your page. In this blog post, we'll explore how to create a dynamic iframe that adjusts its height based on the content it embeds, without setting a fixed min-height or height.

The Problem

Before we dive into the solution, let's briefly understand the problem. By default, iframes have a fixed height, which may lead to content overflow or unnecessary white space. This issue becomes more prominent when embedding content from cross-origin sources, as modern web browsers restrict access to the content inside the iframe due to security concerns.

The Solution

To create a dynamic iframe that adjusts its height to match the content it embeds, we'll use JavaScript. This approach involves two key steps:

  1. Content Page Modification: The content within the iframe needs to be modified to communicate its height to the parent page. To do this, we include a script in the content page that calculates its height and sends this information to the parent page.
  2. Parent Page JavaScript: The parent page contains JavaScript that listens for messages sent from the iframe's content. When it receives the content height information, it adjusts the iframe's height accordingly.

Let's break down these steps:

Content Page Modification

In the content page within the iframe, include the following script:

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <!-- Your CSS and styles here -->
  <!-- Your content here -->
    // Get the iframe's content height
    function getContentHeight() {
      const body = document.body;
      const html = document.documentElement;
      const height = Math.max(body.scrollHeight, body.offsetHeight, html.clientHeight, html.scrollHeight, html.offsetHeight);
      return height;

    // Send the content height to the parent page
    function sendHeightToParent() {
      const height = getContentHeight();
      parent.postMessage({ iframeHeight: height }, "*");

    // Adjust the height on page load and when content changes
    window.addEventListener("load", sendHeightToParent);
    window.addEventListener("resize", sendHeightToParent);
    // Additional event listeners for other content changes can be added here.

    // Trigger initial height adjustment

Parent Page JavaScript

In the parent page, include the following script:

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <!-- Your CSS and styles here -->
  <!-- Your content here -->
  <div class="iframe">
    <iframe id="iframe" src="" frameborder="0" style="width: 100%;"></iframe>
    // Listen for the height messages from the iframe
    window.addEventListener("message", function (e) {
      if ( {
        const iframe = document.getElementById("iframe"); = + "px";

By following these steps, you can create a dynamic iframe that automatically adjusts its height to match the content it embeds, providing a seamless and responsive user experience.

In summary, dynamic iframes are a valuable tool for embedding external content while maintaining a consistent and visually appealing user interface. By using JavaScript to adjust the iframe's height based on its content, you can overcome the limitations of fixed height iframes and provide a better user experience.

Feel free to adapt these scripts to your specific use case and integrate them into your website. Happy embedding!